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Books/이코노미스트紙 / Economist

The Economist 28th March 2009-Learning the hard way

  1. 01 Introduction.mp3
  2. 02 The world this week - Politics.mp3
  3. 03 The world this week - Business.mp3
  4. 04 Leaders - The American presidency.mp3
  5. 05 Leaders - The G20 summit.mp3
  6. 06 Leaders - Saving America's banks.mp3
  7. 07 Leaders - The war in Afghanistan.mp3
  8. 08 Leaders - Emerging-market multinationals.mp3
  9. 09 Letters.mp3
  10. 10 Briefings - Barack Obama's progress.mp3
  11. 11 Briefings - Globalisation and trade.mp3
  12. 12 United States - Populism.mp3
  13. 13 United States - New York state politics.mp3
  14. 14 United States - The budget.mp3
  15. 15 United States - Cowboy poetry.mp3
  16. 16 United States - Power from chocolate.mp3
  17. 17 United States - Energy research.mp3
  18. 18 United States - Homelessness.mp3
  19. 19 United States - Radiation.mp3
  20. 20 United States - Lexington.mp3
  21. 21 The Americas - Argentina's election.mp3
  22. 22 The Americas - Venezuela's budget cuts.mp3
  23. 23 The Americas - Brazil.mp3
  24. 24 The Americas - Canada's indigenous peoples.mp3
  25. 25 Asia - Afghanistan.mp3
  26. 26 Asia - Afghanistan II.mp3
  27. 27 Asia - Japan's opposition.mp3
  28. 28 Asia - Nepal under Maoism.mp3
  29. 29 Asia - China and Tibet.mp3
  30. 30 Asia - Nepal's royal palace.mp3
  31. 31 Asia - Australia's foreign policy.mp3
  32. 32 Asia - Malaysia.mp3
  33. 33 Asia - The Indian Premier League.mp3
  34. 34 Middle East and Africa - America and Iran.mp3
  35. 35 Middle East and Africa - Iraq.mp3
  36. 36 Middle East and Africa - Israel's new government.mp3
  37. 37 Middle East and Africa - Israel and Egypt.mp3
  38. 38 Middle East and Africa - Madagascar and Africa.mp3
  39. 39 Europe - Germany's constitutional court.mp3
  40. 40 Europe - Religious education in Germany.mp3
  41. 41 Europe - France's ethnic minorities.mp3
  42. 42 Europe - The Italian right.mp3
  43. 43 Europe - The Hungarian prime minister.mp3
  44. 44 Europe - The Czech prime minister.mp3
  45. 45 Europe - Charlemagne.mp3
  46. 46 Britain - London economic summit.mp3
  47. 47 Britain - Economic league tables.mp3
  48. 48 Britain - Crowd control at the G20.mp3
  49. 49 Britain - Fighting terrorism.mp3
  50. 50 Britain - Muslim education.mp3
  51. 51 Britain - Tory education policy.mp3
  52. 52 Britain - Parliamentary sleaze.mp3
  53. 53 Britain - Bagehot.mp3